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French Tom

When you ejaculate on a man or woman s face underneath the nose in the shape of a handle bar mustache.

Dude i totally gave Alice a French Tom last night. I even got some in her nose.

by Mark Timmothy May 12, 2009

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Tom Out

Too take a permanent break from life.

That man had a stroke and took a tom out!

by BossMan2395 March 31, 2015

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tom porter

A midget little cunt who thinks he knows it all and is always right a boy who also has a very small genital area

Damn he is really annoying he must be tom porter

by Zxtr1ckshotsxz June 13, 2016

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Tom Morris

A bad excuse for a human. Also known as the "shittest cunt from Two Rocks to Bunbury". A regular target for ampethamine fuled abuse. If found in the wild, call the RSPCA or consider euthanasia.

There goes that absolute piece; Tom Morris.

by Fidget Spinna September 2, 2017

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Tom Delonge

Tom Delonge, amazing singer/guitarist from Blink 182*, Boxcar Racer and Angels And Airwaves. Hottest guy alive. Look at him. LOOK at him. Ahhh. Yes. He's SOO hot.

Tom Delonge>Anyone else

*Yes, I know Mark sang aswell.

Me: Tom Delonge is SO hot and talented. Yes.
Friend: No he's not
Me: Get away from me peasant.

by IsThisNameGone January 12, 2006

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Tom Felton

Tom Felton is a very smexy man ( probably one of the sexiest men to live) and he makes girls obsess/fantasise over him and want to fuck him. He also plays Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter which he is especially hot in. He is also a very sweet man and can be very cute and funny.

I wish I could use a time machine and go back in time to when tom Felton was my age so I could legally fuck him.

by Dracolover1 October 31, 2020

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Tito Tom

A person of Filipino descent who has adopted the lifestyle of white people and abandoned his/her heritage.

Once I asked for those tiny egg rolls instead of calling it lumpia, the waiter knew I was a tito tom.

by casicua October 10, 2011

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