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Double thumb Gipster

To take two thumbs up the butt at the same time. Sometimes with out warning.

Bro, last night I got a double thumb gipster

by Gipppppppo May 10, 2023

Thumbs down gladiator

A very severe insult in certain regions of Ireland, wishing a cruel and painful death on the recipient.

Linking back to Roman times, whereby Christians were regularly brutalised in the Colosseum. Hence this insult is particularly prevalent in the strongly christian island of Ireland

He is a cunt of the highest magnitude; thumbs down gladiator.

by Paddy O'Driscoll July 30, 2017

two fingers and thumb

means i love you

two fingers and thumb means i love you in sign language

by augustjwnx October 16, 2022

naked thumb war

Basically it's a hand job!

Hey girl, what's going on tonight.. You want to have a naked thumb war?

by wafflebitch January 1, 2018

one thumb driver

Lacking the ability to apply mechanical skills intelligently.
Example: Driving with your thumb up your ass.
Example: Driving in the passing lane while everyone is passing you.

I passed a one thumb driver on their cell phone who didn't have a clue they were holding up traffic.

by Skate38 August 29, 2008

suck my thumb

Usually used in the context, "I suck my thumb at you." It is found in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It means: "I don't like what you are saying."

I suck my thumb at you, sir.

by dat kid March 24, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Asymmetric Clubbed thumbs

Fat stubby thumbs syndrome- Just like Megan Fox!!!

Oh wow you have a asymmetric clubbed thumbs.... They're so fat.

by AMANDUH28 April 30, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž