a site for douchebags and hoes to verbally-fight other douchebags and hoes.
Jax- You see that fight between Kaya and Layla!?
Nick- No where was it?!?!
Jax- On Twitter!
Twitter, made on March 21 2006, created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams, is a platform full of easily offended fruitcakes, annoying MCYT stans, furries, and many more mistakes. Some people are "based"(decent opinions), however, most people get "cancelled" "doxxed" or "ratio'ed".
Person A: Why do twitter users get so offended at simple opinions?
Person B: 172.345.11.12
Twitter ® is basically a Karen's playground! You can't post anything without an argument of some kind.
Also known to make people lose brain cells from the crap that user_39786766859688_ spews out of their b*tchy mouth!
You will also very likely be cancelled for something stupid.
"don't download Twitter, you'll regret it"
"How to lose brain cells, step.1 download Twitter"
"Twitter cancelled my account for the third time this week"
person 1:im gonna say dream sucks on twitter! person 2:don,t person 1:ur just dumb person 2: you will regret that once you tweet insult to dream you can,t go back person1:okay boomer *after person 1 tweeted dream sucks he gets his ip address leaked and dream stans are coming to kill him*
"My friend opened a Twitter account yesterday, he's such an idiot."
A literal Dumpster fire, the only good parts are when you say something educational or in a minor section that won’t throw a hissy fit over the first syllable of your sentence
Person 1: I have a Twitter profile
Person 2: Why are you signed in to the Dumpster fire that is Twitter.com