She is a dumb bitch with a forehead the size of mount everest.
Tyler budd smells like fish
Tyler pomikala Is a pussy that will give you a ps4 and tv for Christmas and then 2 months later will ask for it back and will ruin your life until you give it back he will even go as far to sue he sometimes will tell your mom you smoke cigarettes
Tyler pomikala Is a bitch
Tyler pomikala Is pussy That will give you a ps4 and a tv for Christmas but 2 months later he will ask for it back and will ruin your life until you give it back sometime he will even sue you and will tell your mom that you Smoke cigarettes just to fuck you over
Tyler pomikala Is a bitch
An extremely Asian male who is typically called “chink” and is the person who can fit into every friend group as the person who gets made fun of constantly
croc wearing freak
(no friends)
you freak you wear crocs you tyler allingham
Tyler woodcock fucks you about and so does 2 of his brothers. He’s a frigid little prick and the only person he’d ‘fight’ is someone 2 years below. He smokes pot out of his uncles back garden shed and doesn’t even inhale properly. You’ll see him bezzing around carnforth on his shitty mountain bike (bmx) wearing his fake supreme jacket like he’s all 10 men.Overall he’s just a queer little pot noodle head whose balls are yet to drop.
Him: Tyler woodcock just started on me. Her: watch out he’ll get LA5, on you