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All Time Low

An amazing band with an amazing singer with amazing songs... that are amazing might i add: A group of sexxi guys who formed together in 2003 to be known as today as the best band in the history of foreverness.

Melissa: "Hey Kristen! What's your favorite band?"
Kristen: "Its All Time Low. Fo'shizzleeee"
Melissa: "Oh yeah. I heard they were like really awesome!"
Kristen: "Well, you heard right my friend."

by Kristen K. February 19, 2008

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Low, Slow, and Easy

When landing on a hard surface that is not a runway

"Remember the old saying, "Low, Slow, and easy?"

by Maximus78675 December 3, 2018

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A man with a beard who refers to himself as a creep but yearns to be 'special'.

Me, I'm invisible, just creeping on the R-low...why can't I be special?

by Alexa Sexya September 21, 2013

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To be knocked upside the head, get your ass-kicked, or otherwise beat up. Can be used figuratively to describe some other type of defeat (i.e. workplace politics, embarrassed).

Possibly describes a low-blow or other uncommon tactic in a fight.

That fool got do-lowed!
She got knocked down and kicked - she got double do-lowed!

by Do-low Brown June 7, 2011

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Low Three

A variant of the high five, a low three is when two homosexual guys touch their genitals together, naked or not. Can also refer to when two non-homosexuals bump into each other and their penises touch.

Paul: Max and Chuckie are so gay for each other, they slapped a low three in public the other day.

Justin: Oh yeah, yesterday I bumped into Eric in the hallway and we had a low three. It was so awkward.

by Basungi August 13, 2011

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Low pussy

A girl that likes the dick but doesn't act slutty.

I went over to lizzy's house thinking for sure I wasn't getting laid, but damn she must have one of them low pussy's.

by Lezels January 7, 2017

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low life loser

a person who has no future, has two felony charges, has no means of trasnportation, distributes illegal drugs, someone that is with a chick with a kid by a different guy

gregory banks is a low life loser

by BCT<3 September 23, 2010

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