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circle takes the square

Circle Takes the Square(CTTS) are an amazing screamo band, from Savannah Georgia, USA. The band formed in 2000 and the four band members are known for their vegetarian lifestyles and were also nominated for the sexiest vegetarians of 2006 award. The bands songs are often refereed as being epic songs with many songs starting slow and clam and turning into heavy songs with chaotic drumming, highly technical bass/guitar work and crushing choruses. This band represents what real screamo is.

Circle Takes the Square and Saetia are real screamo bands

Taking back Sunday, Thursday, My chemical Romance are NOT screamo nor are they even emo (which is actually a dead genre of music)

by Intertech April 16, 2007

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Squared Circles

A U.S. Marine term for getting stuck on a Naval Ship that patrols one area for far too long of a time.

When a Naval ship gets sent to an area they are given a grid or "Square" that they are allowed to move around in or patrol. They do not leave this area unless assigned to move on. So when they get assigned to one grid for a very long time they are in essence just doing a bunch of circles patrolling that zone.

Hence the term: Squared Circles

"We got stuck doing squared circles in the Gulf for 3 months until we were finally able to hit a port!"

by purenrgy December 29, 2010

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butt fuck circle

A circle of men engaging in anal sex. Everyone gives and everyone receives. Also known as a BFC.

Hey, do you guys wanna circle up and form a BFC? Sure, It's been a while since I've been a part of a butt fuck circle.

by TF Botkin October 17, 2010

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circle jerking

when guys say they are playing poker...what else could be that addictive?

so what are you doing tonight?
playing POKER

by ula March 20, 2005

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circle jerk economy

An economy based on a circular exchange of money where finished goods are consumed and nothing of value is produced.

I'll be taking my half hour lunch break. I have to take the money I made from selling hamburgers to the people working at Walmart and go buy some junk from Walmart. Man, we live in such a circle jerk economy nowadays.

by alphasniper February 23, 2009

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Unit Circle

The leader, and all knowing power in the religion of Svabism. This religion is based soley on the teachings of Joyce Svabek.

All hail the Unit Circle.

by Mr. Ogle February 16, 2004

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Social Circle Virgin

A person you met, and want to fuck, who hasn't had sex with anyone in your social circle. This makes for an uncomplicated inclusion of them with your friends and avoids drama / bad vibes.

Met a hot Social Circle Virgin (SCV) last night who knows my roommate but they never hooked up

by Kaono March 9, 2016