Man who which is short and vary handsome and will be the biggest celebrities in 2025
A handsome large fellow with the most likely the most attractive beard of all time. However, do not be fooled by his size 13 new balances, he does not have a large penis. Andrew, also known as brandy, swollmier, chungus, John Cena’s disowned child, and the gayest man in the locker room, holds the record for the most consumption of protein powder.
Victoria: Andrew Brandmeier I love you
Brandy: Shut up Victoria
Andrew Wiggins, Canadian superstar is a basketball player in the NBA for the Golden State Warriors. He is considered by many the goat of basketball and carries his team to wins. He also appears to have created the NBA and ABA and owns all 30 teams.
Andrew Wiggins can have my kids
Lieutenant of the LGBT and GSA group
That guy is such an Andrew Wands
Andrew french is extremely gay, he is so gay that his friends call him this everyday to remind him.
“Dude literally Andrew french off yourself bruh your so gay”
Literally the biggest retard in Australian politics. When he was transport minister he buttfucked every form of public transport imaginable! He replaced the world famous Manly ferries with Chinese rowboats that fall apart in the wake of a paddle board. He then proceeded to buy river ferries that COULDNT FIT UNDER FUCKING BRIDGES and were also full of asbestos. He also built a light rail system that runs slow as balls and it then proceeded to crack rendering it useless for 18 months. And as if things couldn't get any worse... HE BUYS TRAINS THAT CANT FIT THROUGH TUNNELS!!!! LIKE HOLY SHIT DID YOU EVEN THINK TO... OH I DONT KNOW.... MEASURE THE FUCKING TUNNEL! Andrew Constance fucked all of these things up and then the moment Gladys Berejiklian resigns HE BUGGERS OFF TO RUN FOR FEDERAL POLITICS AND LEAVES NSW TRANSPORT IN FUCKING SHAMBLES. Andrew Constance is the biggest asshole on this planet.
Did you hear? Andrew Constance was caught having sexual intercourse with an Emerald Class Ferry and now has cancer on his tiny baby dick from all the asbestos in the hull! He also had one of the trains up his ass... They may be too big for the train tunnels but are never too big for Andrews tunnel.