A person who dislikes anime. The reason for this is usually that they had an encounter with one of anime's obsesive idiotic fans who visiously attack anyone who dosn't like the same tv shows as they do(see the definition by Asuka for the perfect example).
Some dislike it for the sometimes dull and derivitive plots, cleche's, poor animation, overhyped quality, ect.
And guess what, just because we don't like the same TV shows as you dosn't make us racists, you morons.
Anime hater: Anime is far too overated.
Anime hater: You know, you aren't doing much to change my opinion on the subject.
486👍 453👎
Matthew animates is the coolest small YouTuber you’ll ever meet he is the best drawer who has a really good upload schedule and he will never leave YouTube for more than a month
Wow I love Matthew animates he’s so much better than Rainkid64
Independent and amateur animations that are originally posted on the internet, They are extremely widespread in nature
with an extremely astronomic amount of videos being posted everyday within 24 or 72 hours.
styles range from Traditional animation to flash/rigged animation and to CGI animation, it's typical formats of being an short film or web series, and from personal, Student and Amateur projects. The latter itself is different than western animation and Japanese anime.
Hey, there's an new web animation on the internet, Wanna see?
A youtuber who makes lego videos, in his spare time beats of to porn.
person 1: where did leaf animations go
person 2: stfu ni-
A series hosted by Sir Cautious Walnut that stars Awesomemay in a battle where small animators need to compete for victory. The series is 3 episodes long and stars many small animators.
“Animator Brawl is a really cool series.”
“Damn, did you see that new Animator Brawl episode?”
Animals get harmful chemicals tested on them just so us humans can have our ✨✨✨PrEtTy GiRlY gIrL mAkEuP bEcAuSe It'S sO iMpOrTaNt✨✨✨!!! No. Most common animals tested are mice, bunnies, guinea pigs, cats, and beagels. Now you think they might just like put the power on them and then wash it off, NOPE YOUR WRONG. They go and use the stuff to test on animals which ends up hurting them and possibly killing them. This world is messed up.
1. The creator just dumped moat of there animal tested bathroom stuff
2. Head and Shoulders do Animal Testing :(
An unusual or unorthodox person. Someone or something that does everything ass backwards. Can also mean a situation that you don't want to get involved in.
Stubborn and hardheaded to a fault, usually getting oneself or others into a dangerous situation
Johnny is just a Bad Animal, right or wrong he's gotta do it his own way.
That roof is a Bad Animal I'm done trying to fix it.