A insecurity complex that manifests itself as arrogance and pompous behavior.
I honestly believe that he acts so abrasivly arrogant in order to compensate for how short he is. Everyone knows a man who is so insecure about his height or himself in general comes across that way. For sure, this guy has a porcupine complex by using his harsh, pompous and cocky characteristics as his shield of armor.
The purposeful complication of a process, policy, or offer in order to substantially reduce clarity, usually in hope that consumers of such will overlook a portion to their detriment.
The lawyers who drafted my latest auto insurance policy found a way to fill it with 127 pages of legalese. This is definitely artificial complexity, as it could've easily been conveyed in 10 pages.
A theorized inferiority complex normally attributed to people who are overweight. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, such as lying, spreading rumors, manipulating or even harming others who may stand in their way, and carries the implication that such behavior is compensatory for the subject's physical or social shortcomings. A reverse horizontal napoleon complex has many of the same characteristics of a normal napoleon complex, with the difference being an overabundance of body mass as opposed to a short stature. This complex is sometimes synonymous with roid-rage, but can also apply to people with an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation where the subjects BMI is over 30.
That biker has reverse horizontal napoleon complex, he thinks he is big and bad because he weighs 300 pounds.
Is a type of complex usually exhibited by women who were responsible for taking care of other people’s children especially their nieces/nephews at a younger age. They tend to want 100% control over every area of their life - (family, relationship, work etc) based on their unnaturally acquired mother instincts. Most evident example can be in a sexual relationship, they define and dictate the rules of sex and are most likely to stand on emotional based decisions while obviously denying facts.
That Lady seems to have an Aunty complex.
A two year cycle of 'accidentally' overdosing despite definitively claiming to the world you've made it out of bad habits for good.
Itsuki: I thought Onigiri said he was clean and recovered for good? How did he end up in hospital for the seventh time this decade?
Agito: Fuck! That's his Joel Birch Complex on full display!
A complex where someone thinks everyone around them is an idiot really.
The girl was the first one to tell Travis Scott about the dead body, that sounds kind of like the hero complex they describe on Criminal Minds. Kind of like the one that pushes somebody on the train tracks yelling for them to get off the tracks or calling for help.
The mental complex that they can do no wrong, and that anyone against them or their goals is a one-dimensional villain. Not to be confused with narcism.
His Hero Complex wouldn't allow him to acknowledge the harm his "emancipation" had caused.