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Police or pigs who get annoying or ruin the fun- if you wanna catch some get a box of doughnuts and cheap coffee

p1 : Fucking hell look at those pigs
p2 : Don't you mean the cops?
p1 : Same thing idiot

by fatsharks101 June 24, 2019


A man or a woman who is paid by the state to whoop up your ass,six ways to sunday

Jack-some cops beat me up yesterday when I tried to hang out with Jenny.
John-Man,their job actually among many others include being paid to unleash a can of Whoopass on us

by Titus rutto October 8, 2019


Someone on the newtopian discord server who only says “Oh” and “…” with the name cop or coprton.

Person 1:”hey do you know cop?”
Person 2: “ that one person in the newtopians discord server that says “…” or “Oh” ?”
Person 1: “ yeah that guy”

by Dee💗 October 2, 2022


a sub human who couldn't get a job as a gym teacher because they're either too stupid or too much of a prick (or both)

This cop truly is a worthless prick

by sdklfjsklrgnklsg January 24, 2024


to cop is either to get some of that kush, or even sm0ke it

Hey man, wanna cop some purple tonight?

by zubi_bunny June 19, 2020


Disgusting pieces of racist shit

Cops are fucking cows bro

by Daddy568 September 6, 2020


One thing a young cop that really does want to improve relations betweens police officers and civilians has working against him is that there is no one more full of shit than a cop, except a cop on TV. An idealistic guy in his early 20's might not see that yet, even if other people do. It's not the kind of thing they would teach you at an academy, even if it might save a life on either side of the law for both sides of the law to know it.

You want to appear to be a cop or do you want to be a cop? You want to be on TV?

- Dingham

by The Original Agahnim January 26, 2022