Source Code

Dirty Irene

A sexual act between two women where one woman rubs her breast(s) on the vagina specifically the clitoris of the other woman.

Woman: I never did oral on a chick but I did trib and dirty irene with one.

by madmeszel June 22, 2014

26πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Worms

An addictive creation that originated in the city of Downey. The exotic dish is the result of gummy worms and KoolAid coming together for an orgasmic delight. These treats are so good that schools across Downey have banned the creation and sale of dirty worms. To make dirty worms, just lightly wet a gummy worm and then cover it with KoolAid powder. Typically eaten in a Zip-lock bag, dirty worms are a must for any candy salesman in Downey.

Hey, have you seen my dirty worms dealer? He's late in bringing me my order!

by xycirk June 13, 2012

47πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Perry

A Dirty Perry occurs while driving in multiple passenger situations. The performer has the most control as the driver of the vehicle in question but public transit allows for the execution of the Dirty Perry under varied circumstances. The ideal preconditions for a Dirty Perry are limited ventilation and high relative air temperatures. With these conditions in place the performer then let's loose a brown eye demon. High caliber instances of the Dirty Perry will cause the surrounding victims to taste pennies and attempt to escape the vehicle by any means up to and including leaping into traffic at high speeds.

The Carpool that Monday seemed normal. No one questioned Dan when he turned up the heat as it was chilly outside nor did they notice as he locked out the window controls. The horror that fell upon them as the Dirty Perry broke upon their senses set them scrambling for the window controls. As the bouquet of funk reached its first stage of flavors Frank, wild with desperation and knowing the bouquet was only starting to bloom took a header out of the rear left door of the Nissan. Tom saw psychedelic spotches of color as the second layer or aromas hit him but was able to find the door controls through the haze and escape out the rear right door. Rick lost all motor control as the Perry reached the penny stage and was therefore unable to escape. He has since recovered all but the use of his right arm.

by baddestcatinthewholedamntown October 26, 2007

46πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

dirty lilly

a dirty lilly is a girl who likes to go out to bonfires every night, get drunk, and do many things she won’t remember. She has a LOT of confidence in who she has become, but doesn’t like to admit the fact that she has a nicotine addiction.

β€œdid you see that girl at the party lastnight? she’s definitely a dirty lilly!”

by yvngdxggerdxck April 11, 2020

96πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Fozzie

The "Dirty Fozzie" is a sexual act mentioned by Ted in the Seth McFarlane movie "Ted."

It is when a magically-animated bear performs oral sex on someone, and then kisses with the resulting wet, plush mouth.

"Ted went down on me last night, and we Dirty Fozzied for, like, 10 minutes. It was ah-some."

by Mindcrime December 23, 2012

148πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

dirty declan

The act of ejaculating on pizza after sodomy and feeding it to your partner whilst proclaiming β€œPizza Time”

We watched Spiderman 2 to get us in the mood to dirty declan

by PapaRent98 April 6, 2020

44πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Philip

When fucking in a public place your girlfriend starts howling as she gets off, attracting a crowd. By the time she gets off the second time, the crowd starts to cheer her on, throwing change to show their appreciation for the show.

After my first Dirty Philip, I made almost 50 bucks in loose change alone

by AKdawnshot October 19, 2020

35πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž