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Chronicler Effect

When one adopts the persona of having a crush on someone not available to them (usually because they are fictional or along-dead historical figures) for the sake of a joke for so long that one develops a legitimate crush on them.

Named after a member of a history-themed discord server who acted as a chronicler of all the events occurring (this happens to be me lol).

Chronicler: I say Anna Komnene my beloved, but is it sad that I think I legitimately have a bit of a crush on her now?

Sokrates: Same, I think I might have actually got the Chronicler Effect. I 've got an actual crush on Belisarius as well!

by AnnaKomneneMyBeloved<3 January 20, 2023

Subi Effect

When one person is stuck in a process or approval, and another person comes in and gets everything magically resolved.
Similarly, in sales, one person has been talking to a client about a solution, but cant get the deal done. Another person comes in to support the conversation and *poof* sale is made.

I've been struggling to get approvals from my client, so I brought in a peer who applied the subi effect. Problems solved.

by .B.O.B. April 29, 2021

Long Effect

The "Long Effect" originates from the the city of philadelphia. It's when someone goes from a gym bro to a slacker and months even years pass from getting gains. The individual starts suffering from delusions of false strength, endurance and overall discipline but really is just a small, fragile, female dog. This disease can last a lifetime and is extremely contagious.

" He said he was coming to the gym today but I guess not lol it must be the "Long effect".

by Dai Lo Lord Fourth October 20, 2022

The Bruegger’s Effect

Like the Mandela effect, the Bruegger’s Effect is a false memory shared by a large number of people, but the memory is based on a rumor started by an unknown person

Girl: Ben you worked at Bruegger’s! You were only allowed to flip the eggs, never make bagels!! Everyone knows this!!?

Ben: I never worked there, I have never flipped eggs

Chase: Thats the Bruegger’s Effect

by Bruegger’s Rumor June 25, 2022

Yunus Effect

The Yunus effect is an anomaly in which a persons volume slowly decreases until it is no longer audible.

Nolan: Yo whats up Yunus

Yunus: Hey what's up
*Yunus Effect takes action*
Nolan: Yo whats up Yunus

by RG4Lyfe June 16, 2019

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Bryko Effect

A potential event that could be classified as 'epic fail' becomes an event that can be classified as '4 the win';

(alt) When an attractive woman is suddenly enthralled by the charisma of a very ordinary looking man.

That plane experienced a Bryko Effect when it was almost certain to crash land but suddenly the engine became fully functional again during the plunge.

(alt) That supermodel just experienced the Bryko Effect from that stocky guy and will go home with him tonight.

by infyrno June 16, 2009

LaCoste Effect

(2004) Synonym with white flight. Literally, an unorganized movement of white 16-22 year olds away from the old Abercrombie staple to once again, recapture a sense of patrician exclusivity characteristic of many American whites.

The LaCoste Effect increases as the frequency of non-white Abercombie- wearers increase.

by Tirade June 2, 2004

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