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A truly one of a kind gal from Suffolk County, New York with nice natural curly brown hair and deep brown eyes. Very loud but very shy at the same time. She is an Aquarius born in February. Maintains a 99 grade point average in Highkschool unfortunately was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 13 (but not really)

I met this girl on the school bus and her name was Emma-Kait

by Johnny W54 December 12, 2013

10👍 1👎


A beautiful girl.

"Dude, she's such an Emma-Lee."

by LunabelleDara February 6, 2012

44👍 11👎

emma roberts

a hot actress who so many people are jealous of cause she’s living her best life and she’s the nice of julie roberts. she also has many fans who love her!

“you don’t like emma roberts? you’re so weird get a life

by sofitefilms March 28, 2021

34👍 9👎

Emma Watts

A beautiful, special best friend. She has perfect reddish brunette hair, and beautiful blue eyes. She's absolutely crazy.. insane, and just plan weird and creepy..
but at the same time you can find her writing a poem or with her head shoveled into a book.
She always fails to realize how great she really is. There's something about her that makes people stop and stare.
She has stage presence, and a soft singing voice.
She'll shovel down cheese sandwiches by the dozens.. but it doesn't show!
You'l her so much now that shes gone... but then again, you're not the only one. Love you Emma.

guy 1- I'll miss Emma Watts, she's so crazy artistic and out there.. but held back at the same time. What a beauty.
me- I know, I'm happy to call her my best friend.

by Nyc123 October 16, 2012

emma howell

Emma Howell should be defined as a girthy person (usually a female) that has a sensitive touch to her and may have a smell to her as well

I was sitting in class and smelled a horrendous odor.. i look to the left of me and i see an emma howell so now i know where that smell is coming from

Oh come on there is no need to be offended by that, stop being an Emma Howell

by DiddlyDooo February 22, 2018

Emma Essex

Emma Essex, Also known as HALLEY LABS or LAPFOX TRAX is an one person music making brand, Using aliases to make different kinds of music.

Dude, I just love Ren Queenston's music!
æ: Do you mean Emma Essex's music?

by Lunaah September 8, 2022

Emma Hui

to pertain to an individual (usually a FOB) who is of the highest level of sluttines, i.e. a slut queen

That girl is way sluttier than me, shes like an Emma Hui,

by dalanjiau May 9, 2011