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French Paint

French paint is cum

"Paint me like one of your french girls!"
"Man I French painted that girl til she was albino."

by ChadhasCancer June 30, 2023

French Wallet

When someone cuts a hole in the bottom of their pocket and sticks their dick in it.

Yo last night my girlfriend just gave me the best French Wallet!

by ColorB June 15, 2017

french elvis

A crepe with peanut butter and bananas.

I made myself a French Elvis for breakfast at the hotel’s crepe bar.

by Grouchy February 15, 2018

French Panfles

A combination of french toast, pancakes, and waffles; often made for one who cannot decide between the three.

Also the best breakfast food ever!

Pancakes...french toast....waffles...grr I can't decide! I'll just make french panfles!

Dude! These french panfles are AMAZING!!

by rabybaby09 July 29, 2010

French Periscope

When you wear two french womens vaginas as goggles.

im gonna use you as a french periscope

by gooeysoldier January 14, 2021

french bicycle

A term used when both partners roll into a wheel while 69ing

There is no room to French bicycle in here we would roll into fucking everything

by Frenchmen99876 March 7, 2014

French soap

The smell of someone who you can tell smokes cigarettes.

I think she uses French soap.

Jesus, you bathe in French soap???

She may look good but she reeks of French soap.

by Charlyhorse December 10, 2021