Source Code

Shit Goose

A terrible pledge

God damnit you stupid Shit Goose, clean that crap up.

by newman November 20, 2003

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looky goose

Another word for rubber-necking.

"Traffic would be moving a lot faster if everyone wasn't being a looky goose."

by Moe Buc December 12, 2007

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grain through a goose

Something that occurs extremely quickly..

as in "my curry shot through my guts like grain through a goose. Polite version of "like shit through a goose"

by callandanswer December 25, 2007

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Snow Goose Decoy

When a man makes honking noises like a goose then jizzes on a woman's throat.

I had to go get the wet wipes to clean up all the cum off her throat after I gave her a snow goose decoy. She wasn't happy.

by Thunder of Muscle February 1, 2020

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Corn through a goose

To move quickly through intestines without being digested fully; fast; a variation on "grain through a goose"

Craigslist Ad: "this motorcycle goes like corn through a goose!"

by Thalaron November 9, 2012

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goose gang

Goose Gang is when pedophiles lead little children into their residence to defile them hardcore.

Yo last night I had some candy so I had some kids over for a goose gang.

by RickyBobby69721 February 13, 2014

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wild goose chase

A word used by adults to children when the adults have no clue where they are.

Angie:"Grandma are we lost?"
Grandma:"No Angie we are just on a wild goose chase."

by Angelikah October 24, 2007

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