A very sexy man who is hot and good looking. He is usually smart and tall and smegsy.
wow, DESMOND HUNT is so great and pog.
A female trying to cover her defaults by finding another one worse than her.
Heather was duff hunting looking for a friend fatter, dumber, and uglier than her so maybe the boys would notice her.
In video games, Pixel Hunting is usually referred to in point and click games as an instance where, while searching for a specific key object, the player must methodically click every single pixel on the screen to find the one which has said item. This happens when there is no visual cue about where it is, so all a player can do is click everywhere until he or she happens to find it.
Genereally discouraged in game design, as it makes the game artificially more tedious (and in a cheap way) than it needs to be.
Some call "The Witness" a pixel hunting game because you usually need to be clicking everywhere to discover the places from where you can solve the puzzles.
Marc Hunt Is a famous ufc fighter who is known his effortless knockouts.Marc Hunt is often confused with legend Demarcus Hunt the Canadian Internet Personal Best
Marc hunt is a legend in the sport of fighting
A good ass beach in South Carolina. Got wrecked af during Hurricane Matthew but is still dope as a motthafuckkaa.
Tucker:"Hey, wanna go to the beach?"
Jack:"Sure. We can go to Hunting Island. It is such a beautiful beach!"
A term adopted by politicians designed to gaslight Americans in to believing crimes are not real.
These criminals have been calling every crime a witch hunt but we know they’re guilty.
When someone tries to frame you or pin you for something they have either no proof of or fabricated evidence of. Aware that what they have wouldn’t hold up in court they instead try to harass, defame, bully, threaten and stalk you.
Much like the phenomenon known as “Swatting” except much worse, as this leads to persistent harassment of the individuals involved with their reputations being either damaged or destroyed and with their sense of security feeling incredibly undermined, leaving them alienated.
Person 1: “Did you hear about all those people arrested for protesting? It’s a good thing they found out that the hacker group Modified Elephant were the culprits or they would have served time in prison for threatening Modi. Those people’s reputations and lives are destroyed as a result of that witch hunt.”
Person 2: “I’m just glad I haven’t pissed off any black hat hackers lately. I’d hate for that to happen to me.”