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the big wang theory

The theory that the singularity with which the universe began, emerged from a giant cosmic penis.

The astrophysicists and cosmologists were all stunned and amazed at the new proposal of "the Big Wang Theory".

by JefferiahtheMessiah January 11, 2021

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Elastic band theory

When your with someone, things can get too close. So TA-DA the elastic band theory: if you let someone go they will come pinging back like an elastic band.

YAY :)

Scenario 1:

Jane: I love you baby your my world
Tom: Woah your suffocating me here, I need some time alone.
Jane: Nooo I love you so much don't go!!!

Jane: I love you baby your my world
Tom: Woah your suffocating me here, I need some time alone.
Jane: Ok sweety, see you whenever then.
Jane: Mwahahaha the Elastic band theory never fails

by babeyyyyyx October 12, 2009

16πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Alcohol Civilization Theory

The underground future of DUI criminals. As their numbers grow their will be a new political and judical future where MADD members are burnt at the stake.

After his jail term, George had no choice but to test the Alcohol Civilization Theory and live on the streets, his home, his car and his job were all taken from him. Alcohlism is the only disease attempted to be curable by incarceration.

by Eojbob November 12, 2005

23πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

There's Something About Theory

The theorem depicted on the chalkboard in Good Will Hunting, but replaced the complex quadratic equation of when Matt Dillon cancels himself out on both sides of the equation, leaving only Stiller/Mary = Mary/Stiller. Also you substitute Sandra Bullock for Minnie Driver. Known as the hardest quadratic equation at Harvard

Ow, my There's Something About Theory

by Ben Greenberg and Stephanie Isaacson May 11, 2006

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

universal hole theory

The universal hole theory states that a guy will be with anything that has a hole and attempt to fill it.

Daniel has no standards since he practices the universal hole theory.

by universal hole theorist January 28, 2008

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

The Boston-Providence Theory

The Boston-Providence Theory states that there is nothing in Rhode Island that is better than anything in Massachusetts. Rhode Island was created in 1765 when Jonathan Williams, a prominent cartographer, sneezed while drawing Massachusetts. The most persuading data to back up the Boston-Providence Theory is as follows:

1. Boston > Providence. Boston has better people, bars, beer, accents, businesses, neighborhoods, rivers and schools.
2. Harvard > Brown. Brown is the illegitimate step-child of the Ivy League. Harvard is the best college in the country.
3. Cape Cod > Newport. Newport is tiny and as aside from a very nice section near the water, is an appalling ghetto. Cape Cod's gorgeous beaches and dunes are world famous.
4. Whitey Bulger > Buddy Cianci. Buddy Cianci got caught. Whitey's adventures spawned an Academy Award winning film.
5. Roxbury > Pawtucket. Because if we're talking ghettos, Roxbury will fuck you up.
6. Dunkin' Donuts > Dell's. Dell's is a lemonade stand on steroids. Dunkin' Donuts is a purveyor of the finest coffee in New England.
7. Red Sox > Providence Bruins. Have you even heard of the Providence Bruins? Their big brother plays in...Boston. The Red Sox are a New England institution
8. Children's > Hasbro. When your kid's got an earache, you go to Hasbro. He comes home with the flu. When your kid has cancer, you go to Children's. He comes home healthy.
9. Sam Adams > Narragansett Brewery. Sam Adams is an internationally acclaimed, ass-kicking beer. Narragansett beer is simply Narragansett Bay sludge colored to look like beer.

Guy 1: I don't really feel safe living in Providence.
Guy 2: Well according to the Boston-Providence Theory you abandon that hell-hole and move to paradise.
Guy 1: Good call. What part of Boston should I move to?

"After seeing the light, Max found the Red Sox, left Pawtucket and settled in Back Bay."

by Jesus^2 December 7, 2007

37πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Critical Race Theory

Critical race theory (CRT) is a legal and sociological framework for analyzing how racial power relations in society work to maintain unequal socioeconomic outcomes for people of different racial groups, often in such a way that benefits the dominant racial group at the expense of marginalized racial groups. Beyond merely analyzing racial power relations, CRT also seeks to actively change the status quo to allow for a more equitable society for people of all racial groups.


CRT has been influenced by fields such as Critical legal studies and Feminist legal theory and began in the 1970s when scholars and activists sought to understand why the social progress from the civil rights era had seemingly stagnated.

Scholars and authors:

Derrick Bell, KimberlΓ© Crenshaw, Richard Delgado, Cheryl Harris, Jean Stefancic, Alan Freeman, Charles R. Lawrence III, Mari Matsuda, and Patricia J. Williams.

Assertions and terminology:
(1) Systemic racism is the default and perpetual state of affairs in society.

(2) Race is a social construct that arose as a means by which to further expand class stratification.
(3) White people have benefited the most from civil rights legislation.

(4) Color blindness perpetuates racial inequality.

(5) Whiteness as property.
(6) Interest Convergence.
(7) Storytelling/Counter-Storytelling.

Disclaimer: These are just the arguments made by proponents of CRT, not universal absolute truth.

Person 1: "Have you heard that they're trying to implement Critical race theory into the k-12 curriculum? How do you feel about it?"

Person 2: "I have heard of it. But since I am not especially educated on the topic of CRT, I think it's best for me to withhold judgement before making irrational and erroneous claims about a concept that I can't even adequately define.

by Shnook May 24, 2021

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