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Working with Dragons

A euphamism for a lack of interest in sex/ relationships or being Asexual/Aromantic

"Are you planning on finding a partner and starting a family soon?"
"Oh no, I don't think so, you see, I'm now working with Dragons."

by DinosaursAndDragons August 29, 2017

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work dream

The 2 minutes you sleep while being at work and then realizing you cant sleep at this time.....
Usually after lunch...... it kicks right in

office man#1: zzZZzzzzZZzz

office man #2: Dude ur in a deep work dream....
office man #1: oh s1ht .... man

by cada420 April 29, 2010

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slight work

Working part time. Based off the song "Slight Work" by Wale ft Big Sean.

"How is your load this semester?"
"Pretty busy, taking 4 classes and got slight work at Wells Fargo"

by MoMoney8181 December 26, 2011

152๐Ÿ‘ 303๐Ÿ‘Ž

work ethic

An idea foreign to Americans these days which taught that you must work hard to earn what you desire. It is something Americans, sadly, do not have anymore because the government has provided entitlements without having to work for it.

People will not have a work ethic if they are not taught the concept as a child, especially nowadays when liberals in the government discourage them from doing so by providing silly entitlements.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com January 18, 2011

31๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Do Work

Referring to the work that a guy must do prior to making out with or having sexual relations with a girl or a guy but hopefully a girl.

Guy 1: I'm going out with my girlfriend tonight

Guy 2: Do Work son!

by jtime74 March 27, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

Road work

Road work fucking works

Road work ahead?
Uh yeah I sure hope it does.

by Jimmy Jim james January 15, 2019

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Sleep-Working happens when you haven't had your morning cup of coffee before work, which usually results in ultimate failure and/or workers compensation.

Ann: "Did you hear Neek fell off the 3-step ladder pulling an 80 pound gear from the 2nd shelf?

Jim: "That poor bastard was Sleep-Working again."

by Sleepworker April 30, 2013

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