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officer secondary college

holy fuck, holy fuck, this place makes me want to fucking kill myself,

the people at this school suck, the teachers care 10x more about your uniform than school work. the chinese classes suck aswell, you literally do nothing but worksheets and sometimes watch a video. so much fucking transphobia and homophobia, teacher's say they're doing shit but i still get into fights with homophobes. i havent been to a single class without someone saying the f slur or the n-word. instead of trying to help the people who crack(get mad, start a fight) they just give you a detention
mr mkcay is awesome tho also theyrs this cross eyed bitch who has no compassion and also she's cross eyed

"did you go to officer secondary college?" -person 1
"i hate all gay people and anyone who isn't white" -person 2
"so you did?" -person 1
"yes" -person 2

by ball sucker 3000 October 21, 2022

office trophy

The trophy that is handed out at TRIES on an almost daily basis for the best comment of the day.

Here, The Dave, have the office trophy, AGAIN

by josh July 20, 2004

office carrier

A person who is regularly sick. Instead of staying home to tend their illness, they bring their sickness into the office and spread it. These people tend to have children, the ultimate carrier.

Jane, the office carrier, decided to be selfish and work today, despite being sick as a dog.

by laebshade November 11, 2016


Food set out in the office break room for all to consume. Usually consists of left-overs from a team working-lunch, or soon to expire food brought from home.

Dude, I'm broke. Gotta cruise the break rooms for some office-overs for lunch.

by SpartanTodd August 10, 2007

office grizzle

When your in an office and a dude comes by and he smells like pussy and coffee.

Dude John says that you came into work yesterday smelling like the office grizzle.

by The lurk master March 22, 2014

Officer H. PRATT

Nigga in LS who's about to rip your ass up if u try him. He usually hangs with T. Faubourg. Words on street is that he took so many drugs and dracos from every nigga around LS, he doesn’t even declare them anymore.

Random nigga on Iddlewood : Keep yo choppa safe, officer H. Pratt finna take em from you.

by shitforeal May 26, 2020

officer cartman

In a word: Gay.
In multiple words: a person who is so gay that he feels the need to post useless replys ergo, making himself look stupid and, well, Gay.

officer cartman is a gay.

by Mattus Ruttus July 3, 2006