Source Code

Period Rage

When a girl takes PMS to the next level and becomes totally irrational, unreasonable, and is sent into a violent raging state.

Our friend, Hannah, would period rage on a monthly basis and break up with her boyfriend each time.

by justalittlebabythatdoesntstudy December 15, 2010

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snot rage

When your sick and mad cause' you can't get your snot out of your nose so you get a tissue and blow as hard as you can trying to get all your snot and anger out into that tissue and repeat this proccess over and over again.

I went into a snot rage during homeroom and eventually the teacher aked what I was doing.

by btap March 12, 2009

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rage warmth

when you get so ragefull that you dont need a jacket in -30 weather

hey chris aint you cold? No real big my rage keeps me warm

by denman March 25, 2004

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rage fade

When youโ€™re drunk and ready to continue to rage/party but then you find yourself in a situation that prevents the party from continuing which results in โ€˜rage fadeโ€™ (i.e. sobering up) and the desire to just go home and to bed.

We left the bar ready to rage some more but the long train ride back to our neighborhood resulted in โ€˜rage fadeโ€™.

by Sf74 July 9, 2018

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Gamer rage

A intense fury that burns within a gamer when interrupted in gamer mode. It can lead to extreme bouts of Psychosis and cause the gamer to commit multiple felonies.

John: โ€œwhat happened to your wifeโ€
Derek: โ€œcaused gamer rage which led me to punch her and hide the bodyโ€

by Gaming Mode July 6, 2019

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Rona Rage

Getting angry about people not maintaining compliance with restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic.

I'm getting rona rage because of these covidiots that don't follow the restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic.

by Pyjamas April 7, 2020

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domestic rage

when one snaps and goes into an almost pyschotic cleaning frenzy


by wiender December 17, 2004

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