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Shit Tag

The act of Tagging photos on Facebook from your mobile device while defecating in the bathroom.

logged on to Facebook only to find that while my Father was in the shitter had shit tag fest with his Ipad

by Therealagoc July 3, 2011

rainbow shit

When you have been in such a happy mood for longer than three weeks, that it affects your shit - turning it into a wonderful display of happiness as it is pooped out. Can be put on display. The multicoloured shit is often in the order of the rainbow if the happiness is genuine and if the colours are out of order, there is an underlying issue of mania which can be diagnosed by slicing the shit horizontally.

Dudette 1: I love what you have done with your bathroom
Dudette 2: you do? Thanks. I have been on such a high this last month I knew I was due some rainbow shit
Dudette 1: but how did you get that pattern?
Dudette 2: I just ate a fucking hot curry one night and in the morning: tada!.....rainbow walls!

by ChiefPoof May 27, 2016

Shit Moat

A psychic moat surrounding a person that is filled with 'I don't have time for this shit water'."

1. Man, that person's shit moat is unsurpassable. or
2. Daniel's shit moat is unsurpassable.
3. Don't bother his shit moat is full.

4. Eric only allows one to cross the shit moat when they appear to be equally fantabulous.

by MoonChaser September 10, 2013

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Rock Shit

When you take a dump and it's very constipated, even a bit painful that it feels like a huge brick coming out of your ass.

Dude my ass is so sore, I was in the bathroom for almost an hour taking a rock shit . It was so bad the toilet plugged up.


by Wrigleys Gumchewz July 13, 2014

bottomless shit

Someone who is so entirely full of shit that it’s as though an endless supply is available to them.

Our new supervisor has already clearly demonstrated that he is a bottomless shit.

by Dr Bunnygirl February 25, 2019

Little Shit

A individual who does the exact opposite of what you tell them. They can be extremely annoying and sometimes take it to far. They crave attention and will do anything to get it. They are usually very childish but deep down they are sensitive creatures.

Lately Emma has become quite a little shit.

by Emitrude Kyes February 20, 2015

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fuck this shit

What people say when they give up at something out of frustration

Mom:Don't worry timmy, you'll learn to ride the bike soon enough.

Timmy:Fuck this shit!! I give up!

by Big LJ October 6, 2006

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