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Bully Your Anchors Day

bully your anchors because they don’t do their job.

we celebrate bully your anchors day every day

by dhrjrjrbrhrbrbr October 27, 2021

Cyber Bully

A small naked black kid that will shit on your computer and cum on your TV and give your Instagram anal.

Person 1: " Whew, I had to deal with a Cyber Bully today."
Person 2: " Seems harsh man. You should tell the teacher."

by TheUltimateSimpNigha November 22, 2020

Bully your shortest friend day!

13 december is: BULLY YOUR SHORTEST FRIEND DAY! So bully them. On 13 december.

Short frend: WASSUP
Short frend: no?
Dood: Well, brotha. It is: Bully your shortest frend day!
Short frend: Dang it.

Shorties. Haha I am tall.

Bully your shortest friend day!

by SoupDaily December 9, 2021

bully butt

it means youre such a bully that youre a butt

"Jen is such a bully butt!"

by fartfarpoos August 1, 2022

National Bully Tall People Day

On October 25th, you are allowed to go up to any person above 5'9 and start just hating on them.

Take National Bully Tall People Day to the extreme, its a free-for-all!

by CallMeBigDill October 22, 2023

2👍 1👎

international day of bullying Jay

International day of messing around with people called Jay.
November 17!

“People were messing around with me all day!”
What’s your name?”
Jay, why?”
“Todays international day of bullying Jay”

by JayJay$ November 17, 2023

Advice bully

One that doesn't ask for advice but gets the advice forced on them from an advice bully

My coffee maker broke. I'm going to get a new one. The advice bully will give you advice without asking for it.

by Christhewineguy May 1, 2022