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Shit check

Your takin a shit 😂

Friend: wyd
Me: shit checkk😌

by Wisesmokes December 30, 2022

Casper check

When your job has a tight income limit per month (before you pay more taxes) and your trying to finnese you're way into working more than you can so you get paid next month without actually being at work.

Example 1:

Boss: I can't pay your full loan this month if you want to avoid taxes . But I need you to come tomorrow.

Employees: pay me next month when I'm not working.

Boss: for shure. I write you a casper check

by Dodoface November 29, 2021

Chedder Check

(v.) To check the vaginal region for vagina cheese. Can alternatively refer to checking the penis for smegma.

Recomended as a visual inspection before going down, although a olfactory indicator is normally the first clue to a cheesey treat in your future.

Her? She's nasty! If you're planning on eating out, you've better chedder check that pussy!

by SSHWEET April 7, 2005

bot check

1. When your homie is exhibiting wild Bitcoin bot behavior and you have to bot check em to verify They got got.

Friend: "I’ve randomly selected you for a $1000 giveaway 🤗❤️

Send your CashApp tag 🏷 or PayPal mail to receive your giveaway. The company I'm investing in are doing giveaway they just wanna bless others."

Not a bot friend: "ay where you from?"

Friend: "why would you ask something like that lol. Do you wanna get paid or not?"

Not a bot friend: "bot check, homie. if you can't tell me where you know me from or where you're from, you're a f**kn BOT."

Friend: "(seen 5m ago)"

by Critikaal May 19, 2022

Culver Check

A long last look in a location for any item that has invariably been left behind by accident.

There's no way you left it in the Uber, I Culver checked the entire back seat.

by Dr. Jellyfingers October 5, 2019

Cheese Check

Cheese check (cheez Czech) is less of a term and more of a tool. used in modern dialogue to provide hype, the term is a Swiss Army knife to keep a conversation light and fun. Say it fast for more fun.

*walking to class in the morning feeling tired* Cheese Check! *mood brightens and walk becomes fun*

by NoRee2000 November 13, 2019

aight check

another way of saying ok, or alright

jimie: I'll cash out the $10 so we can go to Popeyes
Damon:aight check

by Top Inez June 22, 2020