If your name is Hibaq you are known as toxic
If you here Hibaq use the phrases “I hate you” “I am very competitive” just know she is a toxic person. And also very short
A female/male that refuses to accept reality and sticks with negative made up scenarios in their head.
“She kept calling me on repeat not accepting my true answer! She’s so toxic”
They are toxic one minute they are arguing than nexts minute they talm bout they locked in😂
jennifer corona gomez is toxic . she literally will call everyone toxic but herself . she even makes conversations toxic .
“you’re fucken retarded”
“ pisces are so toxic”
“ shut the fuck up “
People who drag you through the mud and try to make themselves better then others aswell as talking bad behind others backs and saying false information.
vash: dont trust them they are toxic
tiarna: they are bad people!!
vash: yes yes they are *continues to lie*