Saying that your going to skip under a rainbow means that you are going to KYS
Wyd today
I’m going to skip under a rainbow
Opposite of a Rat-Licker . Person who 'deathly' afraid of getting Coronavirus ( or ant other virus for that matter ). Will go to ANY extent to wear a mask 'anywhere' including their own back yard. Will pick up a pair of discarded underwear from the ditch and frantically hold it over their mouth and nose if they walk to their mailbox without a mask and noticed a car driving up their road.
1) when someone tries to keep pace with your drinking rate (usually alcohol); however, they are unable to handle it, so they pass out and almost certainly die.
2) a much more serious and stronger version of “to drink someone under the table”
Ricky: “Bobby claimed to be able to chug more tequila then I could, so I drank that bitch under the coffin!”
Austin: “damn I’ll make sure to send flowers to his widow.”
A example of how to drink someone under the coffin
underrated fruit- somethings that is frowned upon but is actually pretty fucking amazing
"watched porn for the first time.. It's a siriously underated fruit"
That red rash under your eyes, like chapped winter lips but your eyes.
“It’s getting so cold out, I hate having these chapped under-eyes”
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Quipu (questions under intense pressure underground): The First Juvenile Release.
Sex position where the woman lies on her back with her head tilted back 90 degrees (ie. on the edge of a mattress) allowing her partner full access to fuck her throat .
I gave that slut The Down Under until her hair was soaked in spit !!