sex, and everything related to sex, all over the fucking place
One does not use Urban dictionary on a phrase kids!
it's like the regular dictionary but shittier
Urban dictionary doesn't know how to use grammar correctly
A place to laugh your ass off at how stupid people can be.
The dumb ass probably on the next word you search- Urban Dictionary
Urban Dictionary. A Site that was good when it was created. people are given the opportunity to define any word. at first it was all good. but someone decided to start a spreading virus that effects all urban dictionary writers to write something about sex or something that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual meaning of the word you type in. It also contains alot of swear words, lucky im different
Sexual :
Me : looks up cake
Results : Another word meaning ass or butt
Urban Dictionary... you changed. for the worse
A platform where all of the roadman wannabe kids can look up the shit that their roadman friends say just so they can fit in and say it themselves. Madting!!
"What's a skeng?? What's a yute?? What's a pengting??
Hmm. Better look it up on Urban Dictionary!"