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You? Your an amazing person who deserves the best, I know things are probably hard to handle rn but it gets better please don't give up, and for ppl who treat you like shit, ignore them drop all your toxic friends even if u have no one if you do, it's better than having them in ur life, being alone at lunch isn't as bad as you think, you will find other ppl that actually make u happy in ur life and if you don't that's okay too, just know I love you, and ik you don't know me but I still love you and that's good

Me to you <3

by Gay_Bob September 3, 2021


refers to us mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq

this is me

by HAT'S YOUR HANDLE January 31, 2024


Me Myself and I! Not you ovy stop stealing my spotlight it's all about me in this definition.

Person 1 "hey did you know that I'm me and your you?"
Person 2 "no I'm me and your you!"
Person 1 "gosh dang it now I'm cunfuzled!"

by T02082008 December 2, 2021




by Peg city July 8, 2018




by qasta November 1, 2021


The best person: Beautiful, in shape, kind, the best, awesome, etc.

You don't look like me

by Juan,Me February 28, 2017


me. the hottest and sexiest motherfucker to ever exist on this planet, the ground literally shakes so much from my phat juicy ass that ppl think 37 volcanoes are erupting. my music taste is better than yours and my clothing taste is better than your little sweatpants babe. i got every gender falling for me that’s how hot and fuckable i am 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

me, i am so fucking sexy

by im so fucking sexy November 29, 2021