A daylong sleepiness that includes crusty eyes and a similarity to a sleepy cat and exhibiting a feisty cat like state.
Danggg girlll, have you seen Katie. She's got title cat face.
The physical appearance of someone who looks friendly, familiar, approachable or generally trustworthy.
People often stop and ask him for directions because he’s got Texas face.
It is the facial expression one makes when playing the marimba which can also include the marimba tone on the yamaha dx7.
Nice marimba face!
That’s quite the marimba face!
Commonly seen in porn - The face a woman makes after successfully deepthroating the entire cock she's sucking. The larger the cock. The more successful she feels.
She just throated the whole thing. Watch her success face after she releases.
The same look of extreme pain and anger on one's face as though they just accidentally stepped on a lego.
I know dad was pissed about the car he had his lego face on.
N. Someone who possess the face of a Mormon
N. Someone whose face is just too nice to not be a Mormon
That girl definitely has Mormon Face.
When you put yo face in a pile o cocaine Scarface style
Man, I just had some killer a/c on my face.