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Hot Lot

N. This term describes the one high school clique in which all of it's associates are physically attractive. They are usually known to be snobby, and will not talk to anyone besides themselves. They will usually grow up to be unsuccessful.

We can't hang out with them, they're the Hot Lot.

by Prazzo July 22, 2009

hot fan

Someone that really likes you but you think their hot but you don't wanna go out with them.

Gerald is a real hot fan to me

by SnipeyDew October 27, 2017

hot cuban doorbell

Sticking a lit cigar up your partner's ass whilst getting fucked from behind.

We were disappointed to find out I couldn't perform the hot cuban doorbell in a local bar due to anti-smoking laws.

by uptheassallthetime September 8, 2015

hot johnathan

A cute sexy ass human being. Owns all of the waifus whips and will most likely kiss it's lover.

Hey there, you looking like a hot johnathan

by Pong water September 5, 2019

Hot Lips Gonzalez

That thing when a woman goes to the bathroom after chopping jalapeños, and neglecting to wash her hands-and the resulting “down there” pain. Southern cousin to Hot Lips Houlihan on M.A.S.H.

I was in a hurry, making my famous spicy queso. I went to the bathroom and BAM, Hot Lips Gonzalez in my shorts!

by Fionna Schwab April 23, 2023

hot marat

The best dance to ever come out in Fortnite and yes it was free.

Bangggggggg let’s go hit the hot marat

by Parm crisp December 2, 2023

Well dip my dick in a cup of hot water!

A huge win.

"Well dip my dick in a cup of hot water!, I haven't see you in years!"

by mattwinwood March 11, 2023