When you don't believe in rules you say...
There are no rules in love and law
#December 1st. It’s #Keyys Birthday so show him some love. Kisses, Hugs, Money, food etc. Celebrate the day right!
#December 1st. TIME TO CELEBRATE Love On Keyy Day
When you miss your period do to stress caused by love and you're grouchy like a dog with rabies.
I'm suffering Love menopause because my boyfriend don't love me anymore.
Loves to piss people off
Loves to piss people off
If someone says to you they’re calling you ugly but you’re confident
You: I look so pretty in this
Them: We love a confident queen
Its the action where one black person/zingy shows his mighty love for the other Zingy, and vice versa.
Abdula: "I'm enjoying my mighty zinger"
Yousef: "Give me a piece ;)"
Abdula: "No"
Yousef: "I mean I would share my mighty love with you"
*Abdula moans*
Abdula: "Let me give u my Mighty-Zingy-Love for u"
*To be continued on Phub.com/category/section?=Gay*
The weirdest fucking kid you'll ever meet. He jerks off to anime porn and has a super small dick.
Who the hell would send a pic of their dick to a girl if it's that small?!?!?!? Andrew Lovely would.