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Domingo Rage

To party excessively by drinking heavily, popping pills, getting high, boozing, or all the above on a Sunday.

Primary goal is to party hard on Sunday, go into the office on Monday and kill it.

After four shots of tequila Sunday Funday over, it was time to Domingo Rage.

by SmarshAA730 March 24, 2016

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Rage Call

Referring to ones own past or future intent to "rage"rage. Often referring not just to partying generally but specifically to how much alcohol you have consumed or will consume in the near future. Implicit in this boasting is that raging increases ones status as a sweet dude sweet dude. Rage call is a subcategory of a self call (self call).

frat boy 1: I played like 5 games of pong before noon on Green Key Weekend.

fb 2: Rage Call.

girl 1: I'm so hungover from the 7 shots I took last night.
girl 2: rage call.

by NobodyRagesAnymore? December 2, 2011

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Raging Tom

When Tom gets stuck in space, IE, having an erection that lasts for over four hours.

at first i was excited to try Viagra. to my horror, it ended with a Raging Tom

by M34784ll May 3, 2010

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Rage Dump

Shitting while in an intense fury.

I'm so god damn furious, gonna go take a rage dump.



by da Hippo July 29, 2009

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google rage

When you have something specific in your mind that you are trying to find on Google and it makes your rage with fury that you can not find it no matter how many different searches or refinements you try.

"Can't talk now. Too full of Google rage."

by JV2222 March 18, 2009

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load rage

Frustration, stress and anxiety expressed both physically and non-physically when a computer or game system is loading particularly when one is rushed.

Swirling one's pointing device (mouse, Wii Remote, laser pointer, etc.) in wild circles is a mild yet common form of load rage.

"Come on!! Friggen' load the god-damned page, already!! I have class in an hour!"

"Dude, what's with the load rage? Why don't you just get rid of AOHell?"

by Xanados81 November 28, 2007

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MAGA rage

A condition of anger, hatred, and volatility, which specifically stems from ignorance. Usually manifesting in the form of racism, homophobia, classism, or xenophobia, but is not exclusive to those. A subject exhibiting MAGA rage could get angry about any particular subject, so long as they are properly uninformed about said subject.

Once he was finally educated about the effects of his white privilege, his MAGA rage subsided and he joined in the BLM protests.

by TheITdoctor May 15, 2019

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