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Kyle Alessandro

The most amazing person you'll ever meet. He has the biggest, warmest heart. He is amazing, perfect and everything a friend would want. A very loving and caring person who will always be there for you. He will also do anything to make those persons near to him happy and feel very loved.

Kyle Alessandro is hot af

by Hsgskyle June 3, 2018

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Chingwing Kyle

Kyle is one of the smartest and kindest boy you will ever meet. This boy is so weird and acts like an alien and will be your Area 51 bro and can cook really good. Also, he has a nice voice no matter how much he complains that he cannot sing. He is the official slayer of the voodoo ant and will always be there for his friends. Kyle has such a cool personality and will be able to keep a conversation going anytime. He makes you laugh all the time and is one of a kind. Also, he is the best chingwing ever. And if you are friends with this boy NEVER DO ANYTHING TO RUIN THIS FRIENDSHIP because you will never find another boy as kind as him. Also, you can trust him with your secrets and never be afraid to be yourself around him. ChInGwInGpOnGpInG!!!!!

Person: You are friends with Chingwing Kyle?

Me: Yup

by gfhsjsksks November 5, 2019

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kyle kuzma

LA Lakers basketball player. Plays along side the prophet Lavar Balls son Lonzo Ball.

Kyle Kuzma low key nice. He won the Summer league championship MVP.

by Carmelo Anthony August 30, 2017

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Kyle May

Generally the name for anything macho, non-gay, or heroic. Kyle May can also be associated with KyleMayDay: Celebrated on October 30th.

"Do you know Chris? He's sooooooo Kyle May!"

by J-Dubb and SlaveBoyJenkins January 13, 2010

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Kyle's Brother

The brother of Kyle who likes to be a douche and jump off of buildings in Left For Dead.

"DAMN IT KYLE'S BROTHER! stop jumping off the building you asshole!"

by Kevin Likes Boner Jams January 31, 2009

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kyle schultz

the best guy in the world. he watches heroes and has long talks about to his friend.
-i'd hit it

kyle schultz watches heroes and it's amazing!

by peachmanosalsa September 29, 2009

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Kyle rittenhouse

Getting attacked by a crowd of people then fighting back

Dominic: I heard you got jumped
John: I pulled a Kyle rittenhouse and got away

by November 27, 2022

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