A collection of fierce talented skilled dental professionals who happen to be all women trying to change the game in dentistry in Trinidad and Tobago
A blow your mind dental experience hailing all the way from Trinidad and Tobago .
Smile Inn Dental keeps me smilin
in 30 april u can ask anyone for a picture of them smiling
national smile day
Starburst smile-
That quiet boy in class who doesn’t smile often but when he does you can’t help but smile. His eyes light up and he smiles from his heart. It doesn’t happen often and is rare so be careful to keep him smiling.
The girl full of life. Always rushing around doing one thing or the other. She doesn’t have time for herself and deep down doesn’t really know what she’s doing but keeps that smile on her face regardless. Her infinite energy makes everyone around her light up as well.
These two are meant to be, in this life or the next. Their starburst smiles match each other and while he calms her down she makes him happy.
He has a starburst smile, how cute.
A term used by a teacher to describe students not paying attention.
" Chris, stop smiling at fairies"
A word to describe the attitude of someone being disingenuously nice in order to cover their true rotten personality
That bitch Karen had a church smile on all day, made me want to punt Mrs.Perfect into the lake