The antonym of "brown bagger", A potato bagger is a girl that has a nice face, but an unattractive body. A potato bag race involves pulling a potato bag over the majority of your body while trying to hop to a finish line. From this game, evolved the name "Potato Bagger". It suggests that a girl with an unattractive body but a decent face should consider wearing a potato bag over her body while only revealing her face.
Tom: "Did you see the new girl they hired?"
Jim: "Yeah, she's definitely a potato bagger."
The act of over exertion to the point of collapsing onto the floor like the apple of the earth
I sucked wheel then sprinted for the finish. I woke up a floor potato
The act of hiding the evidence that you pooped in a sink or bathtub by smashing your stool with your foot or hand until it has become mashed enough to flow smoothly down the drain. Covering up any evidence that you defiled a bathroom.
I live in a one bathroom apartment but my roommate was using it at the time, so I had to think quick without destroying my pants. So I squatted over the kitchen sink and then proceeded to be a potato masher before my roommate was done in the bathroom.
potatoes are great means that there cute, awesome, sweet potatoes but if u get them mad THE POTATOES WILL COME AND GET YOU WHEN YOUR SLEEPING so watch out :)
WOW that person is such a potatoes are great
Potato, potahto, everyone makes mistakes.
Microwaved potatoes, is a less common phrase used to describe a mistake beyond repair.
A: "Man I just got fired and my wife found out I was cheating on her online by sending chicks pizzas"
B: "That's microwaved potatoes man.."
Potato Tank is The best cult ever. Join us or die.
#potatotank potatotank
Person 1: Potato tank sucks
Person 2: no u