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A Marchodel Tech

To touch or use modified techniques(Tech Freakouts,Ointment,Latino lube) To please anyman that has the name Marcels tiny chode

Omg did you here that Jessica gave a marchodel tech to the mentalmidgetmarcel….. No way that’s disgusting

by Chodelasaul erectis August 12, 2024

Goober tech

When you do something really stupid in the game dead by daylight and it works.

"Why did you vault into that wraith and how did he miss?"
"Goober tech idk"

by Goobaw December 12, 2023


Pop-culture technology - wearables, drones, robots, social media, apps, mobile phones etc. As opposed to traditional technology - servers, end-user computing, networking devices etc.

Person #1: "Have you heard the latest? Facebook paid 800 squillion dollars to buy a virtual reality headset business and a messaging app."

Person #2: "All that pop-tech nonsense gives me the shits. Have you seen the latest Hitachi storage attached network?"


by KnightSmithJones December 12, 2014

Grasso Tech

The best tech school around, with highly trained staff, professional work environments, and high quality lunches. Just kidding, it's a shithole full of racists, incels, and thots. Even us students agree, Grasso Tech sucks.

Student 1: "Man I love Grasso Tech"
Student 2: "Me too"
Student 1 and 2: "Just kidding, it's a shithole."

by coochieinspector69 March 31, 2022

Lab tech Paul

An odd fellow that smears peanut butter on his genitalia to lure stray cats into his one bedroom apartment.

"Why does that Cadillac have cases of Skippy strapped down on the roof?!...that must be Lab tech Paul."

by Eurekittycat April 14, 2020

New Tech Culture

Bridging the gap between group work and learning as a family. Can include social events, family time, and freedom to work how you want

New Tech Culture-Damn, New Tech be swimming in that culture.

by rileytea37231 May 12, 2017


One's confidence in their own use of technology. Self-esteem related to technology. Whether one feels intimidated by new technology.

I have trouble switching to a new phone, I have low tech-esteem.

by Cowboy Chords October 25, 2023