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Open your purse

Its a phrase used during the protest for the justice of:
George Floyd, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery, Tamir Rice, Walter Scott, Natasha McKenna, Kendrec McDade, Sandra Bland, Botham Jean, Oscar Grant, Atatiana Jefferson, Kenneth Chamberlain, Samuel DuBose, and many others.

The phrase was used to get celebrities and big companies to donate to the Philadelphia bail fund, BLM funds, and others.

It originates in the lgbtq+ community, specifically the gay male community.

Kayla and Alliyah are responding to a thread on Twitter regarding the news that Candance Owens still hasn't donated and decides to call Floyd's death a martyr.

Kayla: "Yeah anyways Candance, just open your purse and zip your mouth. Since you want to use blackout Tuesday as a way to promote your dirty raunchy shit. "

Alliyah: " If you don't open your purse, I will make sure that big forehead of yours will see its last days."

by jesuslover21 June 5, 2020

Open your purse

Its a phrase used during the protest for the justice of:
George Floyd, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Michael Brown, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery, Tamir Rice, Walter Scott, Natasha McKenna, Kendrec McDade, Sandra Bland, Botham Jean, Oscar Grant, Atatiana Jefferson, Kenneth Chamberlain, Samuel DuBose, and many others.

The phrase was used to get celebrities and big companies to donate to the Philadelphia bail fund.
It originates in the lgbtq+, specifically the gay male community.

Kayla and Alliyah are responding to a thread on Twitter regarding the news that Candance Owens still hasn't donated and decides to call Floyd's death a martyr.

Kayla: "Yeah anyways Candance, just open your purse and zip your mouth. Since you want to use blackout Tuesday as a way to promote your dirty raunchy shit. "

Alliyah: " If you don't open your purse, I will make sure that big forehead of yours will see its last days."

by jesuslover21 June 5, 2020

To Open the Bay Doors

To spread one’s butt cheeks during defecation as too minimize the clean-up that will be required.

Forgot to open the bay doors today and was wiping for hours, so annoying!”

by Ka-Chowder May 11, 2022

tits-out in the open

When something sticks out like a sore thumb.

He just kind of left a baguette on his kitchen island, practically tits-out in the open.

by portmanteaux December 3, 2024


Slang for the ritual when you open a canned beverage with your friends in a certain way

guy1:Hey bro will we be opening tonight?
guy2:Of course man.

by Rumcájsz March 28, 2018

flying three double half collapsible semi-automatic telepatic tandem war can opener in a can

why don't your understand?

flying three double half collapsible semi-automatic telepatic tandem war can opener in a can

by frrsjlelelele June 19, 2017

open the schools

originally said by user c1rca_surv1ve on Twitter(X) in reaction to their friend saying the punk movement was just music, and fashion and had no relationship with politics.

1. person a: "punk is just music!" person b:"open the schools"

by takingbackemily February 20, 2025