Ben Nettleship is a virgin.
Oh have you seen that virgin? He is such a Ben Nettleship right?
Top Rapper on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Soundcloud. Got loads of clobber and pulls bare birds.
Yo you listened to Ben Turner’s new track? It’s litttt
wow Ben Holloway you are such a cum-man you've splurged everywhere. EVEN ON THE SHEETS!!!!!!
The act of ejaculating in another's nostril, then snot rocketing it out into a bowl, to be later ingested by the family dog. The name originates from it's founder, as it is widely believed he was the first to ever take part in this act.
Person A: Hey, Alex, are you up for doing 'The Ben Wells'?
Person B: Wow, no way man, I have a nostril infection
Person A: Ahhhh daannnggggggg I don't know anyone else with a dog, when do you reckon It'll be okay?
When someone plays childish games, lies, is douchey, thinks he is the best man he did it.
Hi, Im Dr. Ben Dover, I'll be conducting your examination today.
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