Old people that don't respect the drip, Karen!
Teacher: So now we'll-
Class: OK BOOMER!!!
Teacher: Well class, I am very disappointed with you. You should know no-
Class: *hiss*
Class: lol boomers suck
Boomer is a great and amazing person he has a wonderful smile and has too many ex’s and he probably has a crush or dating someone right now.boomer is also very weird,crazy,and makes stupid jokes
Old Bitch that never got the chance to lose their virginity and likes to go around lookin for sexboys.
Oh No the boomer forgot the Condom
someone 65-80 and/someone with a older mindset
"Dude have you used a payphone lately"
"Dude dont be such a boomer "
The definition of old people who try to work with the technology from now-a-days and fail. Or just people who dont pay attention to the trend. Dont use it if someone just likes playing TF2, Unreal Tournament 2003 etc.
Chris:"big chungus"
Reuben:"stfu boomer"
Chris:" : "
a boomer is someone born shortly after world war 2 they are probably jewish so you should burn them on sight because the last thing this world needs is another fucking jew
dad : hey son come suck my fat cock
boy:ok boomer