When a person does something so questionable, so baffling that there's no other word to describe that action besides using the person's name.
While playing League of Legends Why did you try to fight the first dragon when we have no vision, no mid, and bot prio? You just pulled a Brandon play
president brandon is the best president of the us, bar none. he has done such wonders as destroying our economy, hiking our gas prices up, and eating ice cream.
oh, how i love president brandon-chan.
scary grinch with a shite trim and lots of red spots
has an huge obsession with panda girl and will do anything for her
overall proper bargain
emily: omg can you hear the ground shaking??
imogen:yeah it’s just brandon maitchell coming down the stairs
emily:oh okay xx
A little fuck head with big muscles. He will violently attack you if provoked. He listens to Travis Scott and buys the sexiest drip. Will consume any drug at any time. *DO NOT APPROACH* he is prone to moaning in your ear
Hoe 1: Brandon Slavin killed my dog!
Hoe 2: I wonder if he is Jewish
A man that sucks his or other peoples toes
I'm pretty sure I got told that person is a brandon walker
awesome guy that loves metal. has long hair and can play guitar very well. often optimistic. doesn't love easily, but when he does it's usually for a long time.
Dude, Brandon Cubley has to be the best friend any one could every have!!
Brandon is a kind soul. but dont be fooled by this act of kindness, all Brandons are GAY and this is a force not to be reckoned with because he will touch you.
looks is a gay brandon alban lol they are all gay