When a guy or girl is about to get down and dirty to do the nasty
I can't chill tonight because I'm catching buns
The antonym of throw, can often be used to describe the action of clutching a 2v2 or making a good decision.
That's a catch and a half
That was the catch of the day
Thomas:"David you're throwing!"
David:"I'm catching"
Bowler is a catch
An ironic phrase used as a goodbye. The phrase literally means "I will talk to you on the internet", but intentionally mocks slang terms used to reference the internet such as "the blogosphere" or "the tubes".
(when leaving a room) "Bye guys, catch you on the blogotubes!"
Man, my nigga, we out here catching cash registers.
When a man lays on his back while masturbating and attempts to shoot his load up in an arch and catch it in his mouth
"Where's Rob?"
"I don't know, he called in, probably at home catching the flying squirrel "
a situation that is free from any trouble or hassle; a predicament-free situation.
With the intervention of the central bank, the banks are now in the Catch Zero situation.
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it's a ska punk created on new jersey in 1996. it's good go listen to it. you might like it. (keasbey nights is a good album but permanent revolution is simply the best)
person 1: have you ever heard of catch 22?
person 2: yeah, they make some incredible changes
person 1: i see you are a man of culture.