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Canada's History

A jaw droppingly obscene sex act involving a set of moose antlers, a jug of Maple Syrup, and the Stanley Cup.

Last night at that party over in Queen's West, they showed a porno of someone actually doing Canada's History! I thought it was just an urban legend, eh?

by ColbertSlave February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

Simple really; the riding of a maple-syrupped moose antler to the point of anal fulfillment while imbibing ejaculatory product from the Stanley Cup. Both the wearing of ice skates and draping oneself in the Canadian flag are of course recommended, but not required in the successful perpetration of Canada's History.

There should never, ever be an example of Canada's History.

by Stinky Wizzleteats Don't February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

A completely Deprived Sex act including: moose antlers, maple syrup, and the stanley cup. This act is so repulsive that people refuse to describe the horrors that unfold when it is performed. It has been left a mystery except for those sick few who have tried it, or have performed it. The only clue we have to what this entails is the rumor that "The hardest part is putting it all in." This is absolutely Grotesque!

This act was created by Americans to make-fun of and to even intimidate Canadians.

Sex in a dumpster with moose antlers, maple syrup, and the stanley cup; and petophillia, necrophillia, coprophilia, bestiality, Rape, incest, bondage, S&M, extreme violence, torture, disemboweling and ending in murder.

Canada's History is the WORST sexual act EVER!

by E.A.B.β™₯Steven Colbert February 5, 2010

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Canada's history

Octuple anal penetration performed by horses on a human female.

I have never seen anything like Canada's History.

by wordman12 February 5, 2010

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Canada's history

a fetish populirized by jeopordy's host Albert Trebek. to perform, one must make a go through hole in the Stanley's cup and use it as afunnel to try to insert the moose antlers into whatever orifice it was agreed upon by the lovers. all while using only mapple syrup as lubricant

paul: hey mike, how it go last night?

mike: o man we did canada's history!!

paul: really?!

mike: yeah, and boy i tell you. putting everything in there, is the hardest part of performing Canada's history

by tayson 88 February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

Inverted outdoor fellatio, performed mounted on horseback.

The longstanding Canadian publication "The Beaver" changed it's name to "Canada's History", which is defined above.

by Oh_yeah85 February 5, 2010

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Canada's History

When one takes the Stanley cup, a vat of maple syrup, moose antlers, twin midgets dressed up as Mounties, three double-gay hermaphrodites dressed up as Rush, and then you REFUSE TO DO ANYTHING UNTIL THIS SEX ACT IS RENAMED THE COLBMERICA!

I would love to perform the Colbmerica with all you lovely people, but unfortunately it's called Canada's History, so you'll have to return those costumes.

by NakedAngry February 5, 2010

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