Source Code

dank wheelie

When a normie pulls a wheelie, it is very dank

"Pull a dank wheelie" fat kid "falls off bike pulling a 'dank wheelie' then skrrt off becuse he's embarrassed"

by Skrrr Master...... October 14, 2017

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To emit a strong foul odor of b.o or just plain shit stained under wear you never tend to wash. To be highly offensive or abhorrent. To be in extremely bad repute. The worst smell a woman can ever emit worse then a asin fish market.

This woman Corrank-A-Dank my car and i had to air it out.

by corrank_roberts March 5, 2010

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dank piece

a really cool/awesome person

You, my friend, are a dank piece.

by R Dubs September 24, 2006

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Pussy Dank

A Pussy Dank is when the male puts his penis in the female's vagina and because the vagina is too tight the male's penis bleeds from the tip.

My friend Brennan's girlfriend was so tight, she made him have a pussy dank.

by ricono April 19, 2007

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dank the doody

When you have your girlfriend/wife in doggystyle position. You then proceed to make your tongue stiff. Then take your tongue, and thrust it in, and out of her asshole!

She told me to eat her out first, then go for her ass, and "dank the doody"!

by Frogg March 2, 2004

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"Hey Tyrone You got that DANK WEED"

Tyrone: " OH FUCK YEAH MAN!"

by England is NOT my city August 16, 2017

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Dank Hooter

someone who sucks dick

you are a dank hooter,
she hoots on alot of dank

by BMFoster002 April 6, 2009

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