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crippling depression

A deprive of strength or many people know as a popular meme by idubzz

"i have crippling depression"

by 11+ mock editor August 2, 2017

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Double Depression

When a person is diagnosed with depression only to learn that they cant afford the antidepressants that the doctor has prescribed.

I went to the doctor, he says that I am depressed. So I take my prescription to the pharmacy, only to find out that I cant afford the medication. I have double depression.

by Robyn Bankx January 7, 2011

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Depression meal

A depression meal is a meal that one would consume while in a state of sadness.

definition: A depression meal is a meal that one would consume while in a state of sadness.
example: "Ive been so depressed the only thing ive eaten today where ice cubes dipped in water"
example2: " my depression is a bowl of cornflakes that has water instead of milk"

by December 10, 2020

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I’m Depressed

STFU you fukin retard your not depressed your either sad or your just saying you are to get attention. Your life isn’t as hard as you think, your just a spoiled brat who doesn’t know how bad other people’s life’s are. Stfu

No one:

People who want attention: i’M dEpReSsEd

by Patytu October 22, 2019

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Moonlight Depression

A purple drink created by some unknown person that is pretty much the opposite of Sunny Delight. Also can be called Moony D. May or may not have been the "purple stuff" in the fridge.

It's really dark outside and I am thirsty, I wish I had some Moonlight Depression

by Ginsu48 September 17, 2009

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Suicidal Depression

A Condition that most Internet users have.

Guy: I have Suicidal Depression
Girl: Oh cool, you use Reddit

by UnHomo May 19, 2021

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media depression

when your tv, computer, stereo or any other appliance break down, and you have no money to buy a newspaper or magazine

antony: brian. why do you look so blue? brian: i have a serious media depression case. my computer, tv and stereo just broke down and i'm totally broke. so i can't even buy a magacine or newspaper.

by george blind February 25, 2010

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