Fucktard (theater):
1. Anyone who is eating, talking, leaving to use the bathroom (or just leaving in general), or being an all-around douche during a theater performance.
2. Another word used to describe someone who is disrespectful.
3. The word "fuck" combined with the word "retard".
The guy in front of us is eating and talking really loudly while this play is going on. What a fucktard.
stupid people, who have no brian doing stupid things!!
Dumb ass people, they are fucktards.
Noun, Descriptive word of frustration towards an individuals idiocy
Plural,Twinucktard (Twin-uck-tard) Used in cases when venting must be placed upon more than one individual
To drop ones pants in public...What a Fucktard, You're a Fucktard, Fucking Fucktard.
When you call someone a retard with an added level of cruelty.
" You fucking FUCKTARD!"
"Your Mums a fucking fucktard. Who im gunna fucking fuck."
John: Stop being a fucktard, Nick
Nick: blahafahefafeh
A person who doesn't give a fuck about shit. Shit also known as 'tard' that goes right down the drain.
I was in class reading my own book because i'm a fucktard.
Girl: Shes such a fucktard I wanna be like that!
Fucktard (Fuk-Tard) is a person or animal that is beyond stupid or retarded. This person is so stupid that they throw rocks at beehives.