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hello tushy

A brand of Bidets which usually advertise on podcasts Strangely it eventually made its way onto youtuber RM Brown's soundboard from an Ad reading by professional voice actor and progressive radio news host Sam Seder in March of 2021 a striking feature of the clip is Seder's tone.

The meaning of Hello Tushy is up to speculation and personal preference although the one meaning that makes sense is you're about to "dive into or clean up a pile of shit" metaphorically

Person 1: Oh dude ben shapiro uploaded another cringy video

Person 2 Who has a soundboard for some reason: "Hello Tushy"

by MazLiz November 12, 2022

hello me is that

this means that me is not that

x: hey bro hello me is that
y: ok good me is not that 👍🏻

by icewallowcome69420_ December 12, 2022

Guitar hello

Polish greeting, used by proud poles.

-Guitar Hello!
-Hey Knee!
-God, Honor, Homeland
-Elbow, heel there is no customer!

by dobrepomaranczowe December 6, 2016

chicken hello

Any meal comprised of chicken as a main ingredient, with several other ingredients thrown together to make a meal. This usually occurs when one is cleaning out their refrigerator.

Husband: Honey, what's for dinner?
Wife: I was cleaning out the fridge and I found some chicken in there. I threw it in the crockpot for a few hours with some other leftovers
Husband: So what the hell is for dinner?
Wife: Chicken! HELLO?!?!

And that's when "chicken hello" was born.

by Big Country_75 December 19, 2013

Thai Hello

When you ask someone what the capital of Thailand is, and they say they don't know, so you tell them it's Bangkok and then you hit them in the dick so hard there's blood.

"Did you see Susie give Colin a Thai Hello last night?"

by MAKEOUTHILL666 January 30, 2018

haven hello

When you suck dick instead of shaking hands for the first time

Yeah she gave him the Haven Hello

by tinymontana February 13, 2023

hello dawg

Saying hello to someone you call dawg. The more formal version of 'hey dawg'.

"Hello dawg how you been?"

by fambamspamalamgam November 3, 2017