1) ingratiating oneself to another person; "kissing up" to someone; kissing ass, "sucking up" to someone, sweating them; brownnosing
2) To speak overly and/or undseservingly well of someone; fawning, gushing, starry-eyed
"Man, ever since Joey got that job working door at the new club, I can't stand to be around him if Angela comes by! She riding his jock so damn hard I want to puke!"
"My history teacher loves President Bush. You should hear him riding his jock."
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A Canadian expression heard commonly on the east coast to designate the act of a man masturbating.
person 1. -Gee how long has Frank been in the bathroom shouldn't take this long what's going on?
person 2.- Nahh he's probably just pulling his goalie again...
An Australian term to describe a state of intoxication to a degree in which a person may not be able to maintain co-hearant speech
John was completely off his face last night, he just wouldn't stop drinking
A man receiving deep throat oral sex from another man who has never performed it previously.
Jesse and Sean are steady partners now ever since Sean totally stole his apple.
how women rationalize getting dumped after a brief, mostly-sexual relationship
"I mean, I was Josh Safdie's muse when he wrote Uncah Jams," - Julia Fox on being his muse, before getting dumped by Kanye West
Another convenient term describing a masking activity or ruse, when the real underlying event is to hook up, often after a highly emotional breakup, including a move out.
An-gele, who recently broke up with Erik von Eric, is going over to his place Saturday to "borrow his dryer", since the one at her new place "isn't working".
An impressive array of vomited materials, possibly of the projectile type
Spinelli (referring to T J's black eye): I haven't seen that many colors on one face since Crackers the Clown chirped his chips in our classroom!