Someone that is super awesome, way cooler than darrison and hylan
Omg larry is like sooooo cool!
Larry is a great guy. He gets angry a lot but that's not his only side. He has lots of corny jokes to make you laugh. Not only does he make jokes, he's just a funny guy in general. He can make jokes about almost anything (especially farts). He can be a bit scary sometimes, but he makes up for it by being such a great person.
Hi Larry!! How are you!!
Better than last night.
Why? What happened?
I farted so hard it hurt!
Is a trusting guy, always there when u need someone to talke too. He is a great loving friend that will make your day feel better . Everyone needs a larry in their life.
Larry u are the best i hope thst they aprishiate what u do to make them person fell better
Acceptable name for everything you own
ok Larry
stop it Larry
Go die Larry
Two beautiful boys who fell in love and are married. Louis Tomlinson and Harry styles, whoever says there not together and “elounour” is real can FUCK OFF
Girl 1# hey did you hear about Larry
Girl 2# oh yea Louis and Harry styles there SO cute
A person that is absorbed by the peacock effect; a Larry always has unpopular opinions in order to stand out in a crowd or create kvalme
“Larry hva er det du sier????»
Group of people disconnected from reality. Insane. They are aggressive people and justify all their hatred with theories in which only they believe.
#Louis Tomlinson: (larries) crazy lunatics
#Gemma Styles: (to a larrie) Are you insane?