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leg hot

having one pants leg rolled up. to let others know you are selling illegal substances. Mostly worn in the ghetto and high crime areas.

Police officer says: Excuse me young man is there something wrong with your pants?
Street thug say's Naw my leg hot.

by goobe August 23, 2008

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Slut legs

The ache of your thighs after sex.

I had sex last night and now I have slut legs! They hurt to bad!!!

by DirtyHertie January 21, 2016

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Leg slut

A girl who gets around taking naked pictures of her legs for guys.

I totally had my bath photo reported because I'm such a leg slut

by apparentslut June 4, 2014

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phone leg

When your legs falls asleep from sitting on the shitter for too long fucking with your smartphone.

After sitting on the john for twenty minutes liking memes on social media: "Damn I have phone leg, I'm gonna stumble around like an intoxicated giraffe while I'm trying to wipe."

by gnstrlove November 23, 2016

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jerry leg

small white, pathetic male a.k.a. a jerry, whomst middle aged Mexican armadas perceive as bad luck. the bad luck is conceived of moon gravitational force becoming too great and pulling the rear of other men's bottoms towards their genitalia.

Joe is such a jerry leg whenever he performs his normal work duties considering he has freckles, pale skin, and eyebrow settling black hair. it's called two brothers.

by Christmas gloves October 20, 2017

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Bread Legs

Usually the type of legs East Coast girls have. Thick thighs from loving bread too much. East Coast meets garlic knots.

Girl you got some bread legs!! Do you still want to eat garlic knots tonight? Let's get pizza after!

by Breadlegsqueen April 23, 2017

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Lego legs

When a girl's calves are so thick that there is no distinction between thigh and calf. Like the legs of a lego person.

"Man, Jessica got fat over the summer!"
"I know, she's got lego legs now."

by rjaned November 15, 2011

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