To use the excuse to make a cup of tea so you can flirt with the maid that's cleaning the kitchen.
Dude, I just caught Greg Max Konging while he's supposed to be at the meeting!
Max Tilt is to go at maximum rampage killing and causing chaos along the way. This may include Burning , Pillaging, Communing with demons. To be defined as Max Tilt it must be spontaneous.
Wow that guy went Max Tilt when he burned that house down
Cell Max is the holy being from the dragon ball series, he is the strongest foe they ever had to face, with his amazing feats of one shotting Gohan, killing Piccolo, ripping Broly in half, and many more
Damn dude, Cell Max might just be the best anime character ever.
a small penis man with lots of men on him like its raining cats and dogs
my name is mr max and i love men as much as i love shit in my mouth :)
A cool guy with awesome hair and a killer Fortnite ability. Can recite any Sea of Thieves review off memory.
Max Biroscak is so cool!
Best couple ever obviously. Everyone wants to be them. They are gorgeous and hot.
“I want a relationship like Ella and Max”
“Omg couple goals”