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Rage Against the Machine

A leftist rap/rock group from the 1990s who sang about the evils of capitalism and corporate greed, then made millions and broke up over money. See also hypocrite

"Rage against the Machine was a popular band among spoiled college students and angst-ridden high schoolers."

by Deej July 16, 2004

260πŸ‘ 208πŸ‘Ž

Democrat Attack Machine

The Democrat Attack Machine is a 1984-esque Goldstein Conspiracy assumed to exist by ideological Republicans who believe everyone who isn't an ideological Republican is either stupid or evil.

The existence of a conspiracy fills the human need to have something to struggle against. It doesn't matter if the Machine exists or doesn't exist, since it offers a banner to rally around for Republicans to divide "us" (the faithful) from "them" (the enemy who must be destroyed)

The "Democrat Attack Machine" is (apparently) made up of every American who is not as rabidly pro-Republican as some Republicans would like.

by J News June 8, 2009

91πŸ‘ 156πŸ‘Ž

Blast Machine Gun

A gun used by Vincent in Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. It has the ability to kick back an opponent so you have time to do something. If you continously fire they they do a funny dance in the air. They do as much damage as the normal machine gun Griffon.

Vincent: Hey, lets try out this new gun.
Random Soldier: He's over here!
(Vincent pulls out BLAST MACHINE GUN and fires)
Random Soldiers: WTF?!
BOOM. all die.
Vincent: ... sweet.

by Fragment Chaos November 3, 2006

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Dick Hopping Machine

A pogo stick

What's that kid doing at the skatepark riding a dick hopping machine?

by Do It Switch June 4, 2009

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Rage Aganist The Machine

White People revolution music.
Good band that broke up.

Rage aganist the machine is good.

by Bob May 28, 2003

69πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Machine-gunner Belly

When an otherwise slim girl has a belly that is large, square, and somewhat hard, resembling that of which you would expect a soldier butting up to a machine gun to have.

Jesus, check out that bartender's Machine-gunner Belly over there. Makes me want to puke on my dick.

by Joe Cooler August 31, 2006

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Machine Gun Kelly

That one white rapper who dissed Eminem that one time

Guy 1: β€œHey do you know who Machine Gun Kelly is?”

Guy 2: β€œNever heard of him. Who is he?”

Guy 1: β€œHe’s that one guy who dissed Eminem then got absolutely obliterated. He then made a song claiming he WON the beef. You know: like a f***ing idiot”

Guy 2: β€œoh yea that guy... So who was he again?”

by Hi I’m diabolical March 6, 2021

36πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž